Friday, June 15, 2007

Meditation and Sufi poetry

From the very beginning of time there is a longing in every soul to reach the truth, to know who is he? why is he here ? Where he was before coming to this earth? All these questions lead to him to meditate. Man is meditating from the time of Adam. And in this process he went through different stages like search for truth, seeking truth by traveling, meeting enlightened people, finding guru, going through stages of spiritual evolution and then finally attained his goal.

Thousands of people were the travelers of this path thousands are and thousands will be but there are only few who wrote all their experiences in words which have music or rhythms.This mystic poetry made great impact on people around these Sufis. The Sufi poetry is full of love, when we hear poetry of maulana Rumi, Umar Khayyam or Baba Bulle Shah we can not stop are tear from falling down to the earth. We felt that something is missing in our life which is very essential. We get closer to our creator.

I want to share my experience with you, when ever I listen to Abida parveen (pakistani singer) her arifana kalam (spiritual poetry) from poets like bulle shah, sachal sar mast, baba farid, sultan bahoo I feel so enlightened close to God and free from all bounds I believe that spritual music and poetry can help you very much in the path of truth. This poetry can be from East or West it does not matter. What matters is that we should open our hearts with our ears to hear such gift from heaven.

--mehtab mumtaz


Sanjay Pandey said...

if any one want to see param pujaya gurumaa more blessing videos they can visit page this site contains free videos & audio of gurumaa. you can link this site to your blog if possible regards

Anonymous said...

They say that meditation is the key to the heart. In psychic readings this is true.