Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dissolve Your Ego and Unnecessary Wants - Add Meditaiton to Life.

Once we learn to drop our unnecessary wants and false egos, and turn a little attention towards the sorrow of other human beings, we can progress at a fast pace. What should our understanding be? How can we do this?

To lead a fruitful life we really do not need much. Our desires of the materialistic goods, has created a wall between us, and our spiritual growth. We cannot seem to see beyond this wall. This wall is so thick that as soon as we satisfy one need, another crops up instantly like a growing fungus. One fungus doubles, then two to four, four to eight... its an endless list of desires and wants. We get so much entangled in this wire and thorns of wants that a time comes when they start stifling and pricking us. If we build up enough courage in ourselves and climb over this self made wall we will come to see the truth of life. How with the bare of necessities we can lead a more fruitful and easy life.

I would like you to sit quietly for a while and see what you have attained for yourself in this span of life that you have lived. OK, you have spent 20,30, 40 years of your life. You have made a good academic career, a good standing as parents and a good standing in society. Fine. Now spiritually where are you. Do you consider that all that is happening has been created and designed by you, or do you see God's hand in it? Does ego take over you and you can see only the I and Me not beyond that.

I know it's hard to acknowledge somebody's presence, an energy or power, which you cannot see or feel. Through the various electronic appliances we can feel the energy of electricity that we use. But how to understand the energy of the power that controls us. Our journey from Me to That is a tough one. Its indeed a hard hit on our ego that something beyond yourselves controls your life for you consider yourself the supreme - the ultimate.

We all do believe however that some energy created us. As a baby we are very close to this energy, the reason why a baby is always happily smiling even when alone by itself. But as we grow and become conditioned this energy we stop recognizing. Our elders condition us, to behave in a particular mannerism, as their parents had taught them. A child is not left alone to grow by itself.

Your life is a battery, which has been charged by a supreme energy - cosmos energy. Until the battery gets discharged your body will function. It's upon how you use this energy. If you leave the battery unattended, rust will gather. Power, which had to come out with full force, is defused and lost. Our energy level dies a slow death, a meaningless machine of no use to anyone. But if we take proper care the energy is used with full force, benefiting self as well as all around us.

Recondition your mind to become like a child. Let ego and I disappear. Remain in this world; for you will have to, as long as the energy that you have been build with does not get discharged. But remain detached. Always remember that you brought nothing, you will take nothing. Put more time, more energy on the power that created you, whatever name you like to call it by - God, Jesus, Krishna...

Meditation teaches you to live in this world with yourself, with full awareness. Earth is a planet you have visited, vacationed, and when the time comes to leave, you leave with no strings attached. You leave behind you only the songs and music of love, which you had spread, and which shall echo forever and forever.



Ed Vis said...

Very beautiful Post. What you wrote reminds me of Ramana Maharshi who taught us "ERASE THE EGO". Thanks

Anonymous said...

In this day and age of fast living and stress related illnesses, we need to find something that will bring a more balanced relaxed rhythm into our lives.
This can be done by meditation, a simple exercises, when practiced on a regular basis, and perfected, will promote in your life, clarity understanding and a calm sense of being.

Most people of today are caught up in the desire for accruing possessions and recognition, whether it be in their jobs or financial status. The western world has forgotten that life is more than worldly gain, and in doing so constantly seek fulfilment, unfortunately it is based on material advice